Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Catching up...

There is no real reason for this post…just to catch everyone up on the happenings here. No pictures though. We loaned the camera out and haven’t gotten it back yet.

This summer so far has pretty much been about school. Yep, it’s exciting. Both Jake and I are taking summer classes. I also switched from working days to working nights (I make more money that way). We had to miss out on the South family reunion in June. We were both pretty bummed, but we both had classes. It will all be worth it one day, right?

At the end of June I went to a camp in Williams for special needs people. It was part of my class and I was there four days. It was pretty fun and I learned a lot. I came back Thursday night and worked, then we headed to Eagar for the 4th of July. Of course that was a whirlwind of family time with the Halls and the Boddekers. I loved it, but going to Eagar always leaves me feeling a little guilty that we didn’t spend enough time with one or both families. Not that either ever complain (that I know of). I just wish we had unlimited time. We missed Jason and Jen and the boys. I’m so glad they are closer now, and I can’t wait for their new little baby to be born.

Speaking of babies, the number one question we got asked at home was when we were going to have kids. Um, not yet. That’s all I have to say about that…

So now here we are, back in the heat and the swing of things. Jacob’s birthday is Saturday. I’m going to take him to one of the Brazilian barbecue places here in the Valley. Hopefully we’ll have pictures from that.

So that’s it. Our exciting summer so far. By the end we hope to have a trip to Havasupai (2 for Jacob), and at least one more back to Eagar to beat the heat. Then we’ll hit the books hard again for my last semester (yay) and Jake’s…well, he’s on the downhill slide.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Our House

Okay I got the pictures to download. Here is our house.

Another view, but now you get to see the refrigerator. If you look close enough you can see Jacob's test in Electromagnetics. He got 100%. My husband's a genius! (It really is supposed to be one of the hardest classes)

Another view of the kitchen area.

The sink and the regular kitchen area. A bit small, but it is very nice.

Another view of the table.

Past the half bath would put you in the kitchen. We just barely got the table and I love it.

Walk through the living room to a small hallway, and to the left is this half bath.

The living room. Yes, it's a real fireplace. Not that it has every been used by us.

This is the front door. To the left is the living room, or you can go straight up the stairs.

Up the stairs, which are there as soon as you walk in the front door.

This is the room you see when you first walk up the stairs. You don't get to see it today. Mom brought us the daybed and it is not set up yet.

Then you come into our room. Pretty bedspread.

This is the master bathroom. The other room has a bathroom too. Instead of just a shower it has a bathtub/shower and the vanity in the other one is smaller.

So there you have most of it. Sorry it has taken so long. We love it and we think it's great. Oh, here a couple pictures of our new dog, Prim, for those of you who care. Most of the time we call her 'damn dog' and if I could find Jake's camera and I could show you what she did to the house when she got out on Super Bowl Sunday, you would understand why. Most the time she is fun, though.

And that's it. Two posts and you are caught up on our exciting lives. Anyway, enjoy because I don't know how soon something blog-worthy will come up again ;)

Welcome Baby Carson Scott!

Yes, we are so excited for Sam and Heather and their new cute baby, Carson Scott Blackham. He was born on Monday, March 15th. 7 Ibs and 5 oz, and 21 inches long. I will let Heather blog about the whole experience if she wishes, since she is the mother, but I have been told I need to post pictures of him. Apparently I do not have a good excuse for not updating my blog, and Heather does. Well, I agree that she does have a good excuse, but I just want to say that I think Justin is rubbing off on Sherrie. I thought she was a sweet girl, but if you take a look at her recent blog you will see Justin's influence on the poor thing. Anyway, here are some pictures of the new arrival. They are from Sam's iphone so they are a little grainy, but it's what I have to work with. I'm not so good at remembering the camera...

This is his dad's signature pose for the camera. He comes by this naturally.

Carson all wrapped up in one of grandma's blankets.

The outfit is just a tad too big in the arms.

Carson and his mama.

This is the look you get when he opens his eyes. Heather says it's like he's sizing you up...

Here he is with a little smile...

Here he is with a death grip on his blanket. The pacifier is bigger than his little head.
I thought I had a picture of Carson and his dad, but I must have messed up sending that one to my email.

I am also supposed to add pictures of our house. People (meaning Sherrie in particular) have been harping on this and so I will give them what they want. I was trying to build the suspense so Justin and Sherrie would have to bring Koy for a visit, but I guess it's not going to happen. I have pictures on my camera, but due to technical difficulties I cannot get them on this computer. I'll have to figure it out. But I DID put the more important stuff on here, so I get props for that. Anyway, we are so happy the little guy is here. The little family is home now, and everyone is doing well.